Politics is for the Infantile and the Insane

Remember when we were children in grade school, we were mean and selfish and loud and called each other names like ‘retarded’ and ‘stupid’. We talked over one another trying to drown out the other kids so we could get attention and the teacher would have to yell and bang something to get the class to settle down. We’d argue with one another using childish language like ‘nah ah’ and ‘ya-ha’ as if we were so smart and important and right. We’d make up silly monikers for kids to make fun of them depending on their name. If your name was ‘Mary’ then you were called ‘Mary Mary Had a Little Lamb’ or if your name was ‘Donald’ you were called ‘Donald Duck’, Tony was ‘Tony Bologna’ and if your last name was Hammond then you were ‘Hambone’. We’d lie and cheat to avoid getting in trouble and being punished and if caught we’d apologize and swear we’d never do it again knowing damn well we would if we thought it was necessary. Every school had bullies who would intimidate and try to frighten the other kids to get what they wanted whether it be attention, lunch money, your candy bar or just to feel like a big man.

We did those things because we were kids, we were emotionally immature and we didn’t understand things like respect, consideration, compassion, character, integrity, honor or humanity. Everything was interesting and fun, the world was our oyster and we were full of energy and wanted to explore it all. We didn’t have time for worrying about others or how our actions affected them. But we were supposed to mature emotionally and become adults. We were supposed to stop being selfish and calling each other names. We were supposed to stop lying and cheating and bullying, and some did, a lot maybe but there is one place where the culture is no different than it was in grade school: politics.

What is ‘Libtard’ and ‘Trumptard’ if not the political version of the grade school ‘retard’? Isn’t that what the ‘tard’ suffix is meant to imply? Grown adults calling each other ‘retarded’? What are the unruly congressional and parliamentary sessions where people talk over one another and jeer and sling snide comments at each other if not tantamount to the unruly grade school classroom with each child posturing for attention? And if it gets loud and unruly enough someone bangs a gavel and tells everyone to settle down just like the teacher used to do. Hell they even refer to a break in the chaos as ‘recess’ just like in grade school.

What is ‘RINO’ or ‘Neo-con’ or ‘MAGA Republican’ if not made up monikers in order to make fun of and chide people? What are congressional hearings if not two people spending hours going back and forth with ‘yes you did’, ‘no I didn’t’, ‘yes you did’, the political version of ‘nah ah’, ‘ya-ha’, ‘nah ah’. Or one accusing the other that they have ‘no idea what they’re talking about’, the political version of calling someone stupid and in the end absolutely nothing is ever accomplished. Rand Paul and Fauci have spent hours over the past two years doing just that. Repeating the same meaningless argument over and over again to no conclusion.

Politicians, those involved in politics and the media reporting on politics are infamous throughout history for lying, cheating, stealing and manipulating. Politicians outright lie with impunity both on the campaign trail and in office and the media brazenly prints exaggerations, half-truths and outright lies to push a political narrative. Then they apologize, swear it was an honest mistake and then they do it over and over again. ‘Law Enforcers’ have their own Wikipedia page chronically ‘Police Abuse’ going back 150 years. What are they if not bullies who use intimidation and fear to control people.

What kind of person, adult, would associate himself with such a childish, immature culture? They’d either have to be insane or their emotional maturity would have to have been ‘retarded’. Politics is for the infantile and the insane.

2 replies on “Politics is for the Infantile and the Insane”

  1. There are billions of them, and unless we can magically outbreed and outnumber them, nothing will change. Their minds are set in stone and there is no saving them. I also spend a lot of time thinking about this and it makes mundane activities -sex, tv, social media, family gatherings, etc.- hard to enjoy. Sometimes I wish I had not ‘woken’ up. I’d be an even bigger fool but at least I would be happy.

    1. Yea, there’s no going back, the genie is out of the bag. Now you have to find a way to live with what you know which is a challenge, believe me. But you’ll be a better person for it.

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