Nonsense – The Short List

Why do people make their bed every morning?
Why do people wash their hands before they eat but not after?
Why do people wash their hands after they use the bathroom but not before?
Why is it disrespectful to wear a hat indoors?
Why are some obscenities considered offensive but others aren’t?
Why do men stand when a woman sits down or stands up from a table?
Why do people use their turn signal when there’s nobody behind them?
Why do people wait for the light to turn green at a crosswalk when there’s not a car in sight?
Why do people get mad at those who drive in the left lane when they can just change to the right lane?
Why do flight attendants show you how to buckle and unbuckle a seatbelt?
Why does drain cleaner have a warning label not to drink it?
Why is placement of the ball in a football game subjectively arbitrary but the measurements for a first down so precise?
Why does a quarterback get credit for a 99 yard pass if he only threw it one yard and the receiver ran the other 98?
Why are there individual awards in team sports?
Why do baseball players take on a 3-0 count when they know the next pitch will be right down the middle?
What do the military, flags and the national anthem have to do with sporting events?
Why is it considered disrespectful not to stand when the national anthem plays?
How can soldiers be sent to war when there is no war without the soldiers?
Why is it illegal to speed but legal for cops to speed in order to catch speeders?
If speed kills, why aren’t all race car drivers dead?
If drinking and driving is illegal, why is it legal for people to drive to bars and why do bars have parking lots?
Why do people show unusual respect to anyone dressed in religious clothing?
Why are stores closed on Sunday and not any other arbitrary day?
When people say ‘thank god’, which one are they referring to?
If both teams pray to god to win a game, how does god decide?
If god is everywhere, why do you have to go to a church to worship him?
If the church is god’s house how come the parishioners have to pay for it?
If confession absolves you from your sins, can you sin all you want as long as you confess?
Why do parents tell their kids there’s no such thing as ghosts and then start every prayer with ‘in the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost’?
What does a fat old man and elves have to do with the birth of Christ?
What does a rabbit and eggs have to do with the ascension of Christ?
Why do people get so excited about New Years Eve and not any other arbitrary eve?
Why do people believe that having any college degree gives you ‘something to fall back on’?
If the constitution is meant to create a government to protect our rights, why the need for the Bill of Rights to protect our rights from the government?
If the constitution creates the authority for the supreme court, isn’t it a conflict of interest for the supreme court to interpret the constitution?
If swearing on a bible in court that you won’t lie is meant to ensure that people won’t lie, why are there laws that punish people for lying in court?

Why is selling sex for money illegal but if you film it and call it porn it’s legal?

2 replies on “Nonsense – The Short List”

  1. Why do people stand when a judge enters the ‘court room.’
    Why do women get mad if you ask their body count, weight, age?
    Why do NFL players kneel and pray when a player is gravely injured?
    Why do parents lie when they get experimental gene therapy procedures?
    Why are you an asshole for pointing out the truth?
    Why do people think genders can be made up?
    Why do people use social media and then ask why they are depressed?
    Why is it not Okay to call someone who was born retarded, retarded?
    Why do people drink to forget instead of facing the elephant in the room?
    Why do I get blocked from social media simply because I called someone’s kid a fatass? Is reality not good enough?
    Why do people mistake confidence with cockiness?
    Why do people think they can ‘vote’ themselves out of tyranny?
    Why do people assume you are smart if you have a degree?

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