When No Symptoms is a Symptom

In the same sense that I don’t deny the existence of a god, I just recognize there is no proof of one, I don’t deny there was a pandemic, I just don’t see any evidence of one. I think it’s fair to say that if people had been dropping dead in the streets, nobody would have had to be told there’s something going on. They would have been avoiding each other like the plague – to turn a phrase – and taken whatever measures they felt necessary to protect themselves. The politicians probably wouldn’t have been able to pull people from their homes. The hashtag would have been #ComeOut rather than #StayHome. But people weren’t dropping dead in the streets like in the pictures transmitted from Wuhan, China. That was probably the first head scratcher for me. How was it that the virus was so dangerous in China but nowhere else in the world?

The second head scratcher was when the CDC changed its policy on determining cause of death specifically for covid. From the CDC website:

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. 

Meaning that even if someone tested negative, even if someone had no symptoms the attending physician had the discretion to decide covid was the official cause of death. Why would such arbitrary and subjective policies be necessary in the midst of a real pandemic? Wouldn’t such a policy absolutely inflate the mortality numbers and present a false impression of the situation? How could it not? Why would the CDC feel the need to inflate the numbers?

After that, the head scratchers came so fast and furious I thought I had head lice, then they just got stupid.

You would have expected the restrictions to be objective, medically based and the same everywhere but instead they varied from state to state depending on the political bend of the government. A political pandemic by definition.

The media was caught numerous times spreading misleading information, sensationalizing stories and outright lying. Why would they feel the need to lie and sensationalize the pandemic if it’s real? Shouldn’t the truth have been sufficient?

You had to cover your face with something, anything, no medical standard required. A surgical mask, a scarf, a sock, an old t-shirt, literally anything. Everyone got to choose for themselves what was medically sufficient to protect them from a dangerous infectious virus.

You had to close your business, except if you owned a corporate chain, college or professional sports team, a Hollywood production company or an airline. Some states allowed bars and restaurants to remain open.

If you wanted to risk your life to go to a bar or restaurant during a pandemic you had to cover your face when you entered but could take it off once you were seated. I feel my IQ dropping just writing this.

If you wanted to risk your life to fly during a pandemic you had to stay 6’ apart and cover your face in the airport. But as soon as you got on the plane you could crowd together to find overhead space and your seat and uncover your face to eat a snack while sitting right next to others.

Sports leagues carried on during the pandemic but without spectators, instead they put cardboard cutouts in the seats to give the impression of fans and for some reason still paid to have security personnel on the field looking up into the stands during the games.

You could be infected and have no symptoms but still infect others and your immune system couldn’t form antibodies. So you had to assume you could always be infected, never out of the clear until the vaccine was available which also doesn’t prevent you from being infected and infecting others. That’s when it went from stupid, passed childish and abusive and right into insanity.

And in true political fashion, the politicians were caught over and over again all over the world, disobeying their own restrictions while punishing others who didn’t obey. Are we to believe  they were sacrificing themselves for the ‘greater good’, risking their lives and the lives of their loved ones knowing that at any moment they could be infected and die? Or does it seem more plausible they knew it was all bullshit, political theater and there was nothing to worry about?

The funniest part was when the world-renowned virologist and immunologist Bill Gates became the face of the vaccine.  And they enlisted other experts like Jimmy Fallon and Stephan Colbert to promote their drugs. They have been telling you all along that it’s a joke.

It was and still is a show, a scripted production, no intelligent person with an ounce of common sense would conclude that this has had anything to do with a virus except as an excuse for new political policy. And now that the issue has been politicized it will be with us for the rest of our lives for the powers that be to leverage when convenient like ‘anthropogenic global warming’ and all the other politicized issues that refuse to die.

One reply on “When No Symptoms is a Symptom”

  1. I think that as time goes by and more and more of the truth comes out, people will just scoff at the facts and delude themselves into believing that it was all ‘voluntary.’ Since it will be an issue of the ‘past,’ then people will just sigh, nod, and move on with their mediocre lives. Apathy is a denier’s best friend, and there are billions of those fucks around us.

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