“Artificial” in the acronym “AI” isn’t meant to mean that the system appears to resemble or imitate human intelligence – like an artificial tree resembles a real tree. It’s meant to mean that it is actual intelligence created artificially by humans in machines rather than by nature.
Proposition: Artificial Intelligence cannot become as intelligent or more intelligent than human intelligence.
premise 0: computers cannot evolve outside the constraints of their programming.
Computers can only execute instructions they’ve been programmed with. They cannot autonomously evolve and realize it doesn’t “know” how to do something, autonomously “reason” out a solution, autonomously “learn” how to implement the solution and autonomously alter its instruction set to add new behavior. Any sort of evolution would have to be programmed and any new behavior would have to be within the constraints of its programming. Something similar to rule-based Reinforced Learning that some AI systems use but it’s still programmed behavior.
premise 1: Intelligence is a concept created by humans as a relative measure of the capabilities of people’s minds.
Human science, medicine and psychology are discovering new things about the human mind every day. We can’t even come close to understanding the depths of our own intellectual abilities, or life’s evolutionary process so how could we program a computer to do things we don’t understand how to do ourselves? Philosophically this implies we can’t program AI with the ability to evolve to be as intelligent or more intelligent than humans because humans don’t understand their own evolutionary process and can’t quantify their own intelligence.