Inferior Humanity

I remember the feeling years ago when I realized that the government, at all levels, is nothing more than a common criminal gang writ large. I also remember the realization that the global financial markets are fraudulent, creating counterfeit money out of thin air and laundering it by loaning it out. Two revelations that changed my view of the world and the people in it.

Although I always believed that most people were idiotic it never really affected me so live and let live. But, the last two years has revealed to me that most people really are of an inferior level of intelligence, dullards and it has affected my life tremendously.

George Carlin said: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” He was referring to the idea that human intelligence is normally distributed, a bell curve, which means that half the population is of below average intelligence and it is on display every, single, day.

These are the people that I never really paid much attention to or just shrugged them off as foolish. But now I realize they have a much more profound effect on humanity as a whole.

These are the people who have trouble stepping on a moving escalator or constantly hesitate in moving traffic because they can’t properly process the situation. They have road rage if someone drives in the left lane or dares to ‘cut them off’. These are the people who believe there are more than two genders and you can change your gender if you want. These are the people who are obese but can’t stop shoving food down their gullet even though it’s killing them. Then they put on a bathing suit and go to the beach with their big, fat slovenly belly hanging over so far they can’t see their feet because they have no self-respect, no shame. These are the people who chain smoke or self-medicate with weed or booze just to make it through the day. These are the people who have children in order to receive more money from welfare. These are the people who ride their bikes 5 mph on their neighborhood street wearing a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads and a bright yellow vest. These are the women who inject Botox directly into their lips and look like a duck. The women who spend billions on makeup and clothes and shoes and jewelry in order to put on a costume and create a false persona before going out in public. The women who play sports in women’s sports leagues and demand as much money as the men never realizing the reason they have their own leagues is because they can’t compete with the men and people don’t want to watch them. These are the people who get so many tattoos that it looks like a shirt sleeve on their arm, and that’s why they got so many tattoos. These people are the man-child with pictures of Harry Potter or the Hobbit up in his cubicle and a man-cave at home instead of a library. The jock sniffer who plays fantasy football and has bobble-head dolls of his favorite players. These are the people with their noses constantly stuck in their phones, taking dozens of selfies a day and ignoring their children and life around them. The people who can’t put air in or change a tire, can’t change the oil, fill the radiator or the window washing fluid of their own car, they have to pay someone to do it for them. These are the people who borrow $100,000 for a Ph.D. in Sociology, History — insert any ‘social science’ subject here — and are working customer service at Walmart. They are the people who believe the earth is flat, gods are real and honor American soldiers for killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people in the middle east. These are the people who argue about politics like it matters. Cocks in a chicken fight being taunted by the farmer but they’re mad at each other rather than the farmer. These are the people who have accumulated so much debt, they are always working to earn money they’ve already spent, paying one credit card bill with another. They are the sweet old grandma who always sees the glass as half full because she just doesn’t want any trouble so she chooses to ignore anything she doesn’t like even, especially, the most egregious acts of inhumanity, conscious ignorance etc.

For the last two years, these are the people who covered their faces with surgical masks believing they were protecting themselves from a virus, only to take them off when they smoked, drank, ate, got a haircut, a shave, went to the dentist, worked outside, went to the gym, beauty parlor, spoke in public, played college or professional sports, made a Hollywood movie etc. These people are not able to understand the obvious irrational inconsistencies of it all, unable to process the world around them in a rational way and they are legion. The majority of the human race was like this and still is. The moment the TV tells them to mask up again they will, the moment the TV tells them to get another experimental shot, they will. They are the dummies, the dolts, the fools, the below average half of all human intelligence, some four billion people.

We are surrounded by them every day. They are the ones who are just smart enough to survive another day and hold down some menial job like a taxi driver or garbage man, construction worker or janitor, bus driver or short order cook, cashier or flight attendant, customer service rep or mall cop, secretary or street sweeper, all government workers who would otherwise be unemployed etc. The average IQ is believed to be around 100, borderline mentally handicapped is 80.

Humanity has no hope.

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