Grandma Died Despite CV

By Don Cooper

The average life expectancy for men is 77 and for women is 81. With some standard deviation it’s reasonable to say that anyone between 75-85 is expected to be at end of life. Death is a part of life and when you get to this age range your body is simply worn out making you disproportionately susceptible to all forms of disease and body failures. Use your own family as a sample and calculate the average age of those who have died. Average age of my grandparents and parents was 78. All my aunts an uncles were also in their mid to late seventies.

It’s disingenuous to say that someone in this age range died because of CV rather than old age since, statistically speaking, they would have died of something else in any case simply due to their age. Does it matter why grandma died? Would you be happier if it had been flu related pneumonia or an infection from a broken hip or dementia because life had already decided her time was up? It would almost be more appropriate to say that she died despite CV since she lived to a normally expected age even though there is supposedly a new, extremely deadly virus circulating.

It’s simply not statistically valid to count any deaths in this age range as because of CV especially considering there isn’t really any valid scientific way of knowing. If a PCR ‘test’ comes back positive and an elderly person dies then they are automatically categorized as a CV death. But it’s even worse than that since doctors have been instructed that even if the PCR is negative but they ‘believe’ it was due to CV then it is also categorized as a CV death. My 93-year-old father was locked down in his assisted living facility for 8 months, no leaving, no visitors, masks, social isolation etc. Then he goes to the hospital to have his gall bladder removed and remarkably he ‘tests’ positive for CV! Of course the hospital received $13,000 from Medicaid for the CV patient. How can anyone claim a 93-year-old man died of anything other than old age?

The point is that the statistics about this charade cannot be taken seriously and if they cannot then the political restrictions are not scientifically or medically justified. Just think logically, reasonably and use some common sense.

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