Animal “Rights”

The topic of Animal “Rights” attracts so much attention because it’s so asinine like a flat earth, man killing the planet or gender fluidity. It’s twenty-first century “civilized” society that more aptly resembles an insane asylum or a pre-school.

Rights require consent, so how do you get consent from an animal? You can’t, it’s impossible which means, if you believe animals have rights, you cannot do anything to an animal without violating its rights.

You cannot have pets, you cannot advocate people having pets and you cannot engage in any sort of animal rescue activities. It means all animals in the world should be wild and never interfered with by humans or other animals.

But if animals have rights, and they are violated by another animal, shouldn’t there be an “animal rights justice system”? Why don’t the animals have this? Why do they not hold the lion liable for murder when he kills the antelope?

This is the first of many perversions associated with this topic: animal rights are not animal rights at all, they are human rights projected onto animals, the anthropomorphism of the animal kingdom. But it’s a convenient, subjective anthropomorphism so as to appease socio-political agendas and people’s feelings.

They’ll argue animals have rights but they sure would like to take that cute little puppy from its mom to have as their own, they’ll even pay for it. Now where have I heard of rights being violated for money before? No it’ll come to me.

That’s the psychological fracture created from a lifetime of conditioning that allows them to claim animals have rights, while at the same time violating those rights by having animals as pets. Sold into what is tantamount to domesticated animal slavery without blinking an eye. Reducing the entire domesticated animal industry to nothing more than an animal slave trade writ large, but he’s wagging his tail so he must like it.

Tell me how did you get your pet’s consent to be domesticated? How did you get its consent to be vaccinated, castrated, micro-chipped, collared, leashed and fenced in? How do you get an animal’s consent to be euthanized, for its own good of course? So subjectively killing the animal is okay, just don’t eat it because it has rights! That’s a funny place to draw the line.

I always laugh when the “animal rights” activists claim they “rescued” a dog. Rescued him from what, freedom? This topic, like all such topics, requires an abandonment of all humanity. A complete and utter lack of reason, rational, logic and common sense. It’s an emotional response, not a rational one.

Emotionally, I’m an animal lover, always have been my whole life. I’ve had dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, my grandfather raised parakeets. Hell I can’t even kill a mouse or a spider, I catch them and release them. I’ve made sacrifices both personal and financial for the pets we’ve had over the years and I’ve cried right along with my kids when they’ve died.

But when they died, there was no criminal investigation, no autopsy, no funeral or burial. No last will and testament, no affairs to be settled, no casket or cemetery. They were scooped up and sanitarily disposed of, you know why? Because they were animals not human beings.

Twenty-first century humanity where people can’t discern the difference between a human being and an animal. Like George Carlin said: it won’t be long now for the human race. Pack your shit folks, you’re going away.

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