Nonsense – The Short List

Why do people make their bed every morning?Why do people wash their hands before they eat but not after?Why do people wash their hands after they use the bathroom but not before?Why is it disrespectful to wear a hat indoors?Why are some obscenities considered offensive but others aren’t?Why do men stand when a woman sits …

Politics is for the Infantile and the Insane

Remember when we were children in grade school, we were mean and selfish and loud and called each other names like ‘retarded’ and ‘stupid’. We talked over one another trying to drown out the other kids so we could get attention and the teacher would have to yell and bang something to get the class …

The Logical Fallacies of Government

It’s not difficult to find a formal or informal logical fallacy in every aspect of politics but one of the most predominant used by those trying to defend it is denying the antecedent in order to justify what the state does. Denying the antecedent is when it is fallaciously assumed that if one thing leads …

Why Lottery Winners Blow the Money

Someone who wins millions in the lottery who isn’t used to having and managing millions doesn’t consider the opportunity costs of the lost future value if they were to invest some of the winnings. They only consider the present value of the money and their short time preferences like food, drink, clothes, car, fun, sex, …

Speed Limit Predators

The state’s justification for speed limits is always the same: “Speed Kills”. So let’s remove the appeals to emotion and other hysteria and sensationalism and examine that hypothesis with rational, logic and common sense. Let’s consider the extremes, if speed kills in and of itself then anyone who ever orbited the earth in a spacecraft …

Guaranteed Student Loans Destroyed the Value of a College Education

There was a time when people had to work and save and scrimp in order to go to college. Those who were really serious about studying did whatever it took to make their dreams come true. They took a year off after high school and worked, they worked summers, they worked during school, they took …

American Exceptionalism as a Competitive Advantage in Golf: Hypocrisy of the PGA Tour

The Professional Golfers Association (PGA) was created in 1916 because some industrious businessmen saw an opportunity to make money and corner the golf equipment market amidst the rise in popularity of the game in the US. The Professional Golfers Association Tour (PGA Tour) branched off from the PGA in 1968 over financial and structural disputes. …

Government is Corrupt by Its Nature and There’s Nothing You Can Do About It

Most believe that if a government is corrupt then it’s because the people running it are corrupt so the solution is to vote ‘good’ people into office to replace the corrupt ones. But after thousands of years of voting, governments are still corrupt. Are we to believe that everyone is corrupt, that there are no …

Rise of the Man Child

In 1959 a Swiss psychologist, Marie-Louisa von Franz, noticed the increasing trend in people who mature physically but remain psychologically stunted, especially among the male population of the western world. She coined the term for these people ‘eternal child’, today we call it the man child. It’s not unusual for the man child to live …

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