God and Country

It starts at home as soon as we are aware of our existence and before we ever step foot into a public institution. As early as 3 or 4-years-old we see people flying flags in their yards, veterans at Waffle House wearing their military ballcaps. We see police cars, sheriff’s deputies, state troopers, military vehicles …

Password Automation and Declination

Introduction Password policies are becoming more and more complicated all the time. Most policies nowadays require at least 8 characters both upper and lower case letters, at least one number and a special character. Some organizations can require up to 16 characters. The policy also requires that the password be changed on a regular basis …

Animal “Rights”

The topic of Animal “Rights” attracts so much attention because it’s so asinine like a flat earth, man killing the planet or gender fluidity. It’s twenty-first century “civilized” society that more aptly resembles an insane asylum or a pre-school. Rights require consent, so how do you get consent from an animal? You can’t, it’s impossible …

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