The animal rights movement began taking shape right around the time when humanity began to master its environment and people’s lifespan lasted longer than ever before. With never-before-seen luxuries and an improvement lifespan, the homo sapiens suddenly had the time to ‘think’ and so they did. Although human abuse was seen as customary and vastly …
Category Archives: General
Credit Score
Most people believe they must maintain a good credit score and that having a good credit score is a social signal that they are financially responsible. The truth is exactly the opposite. All fiat money created by central banks and the treasury is debt. When someone swipes their credit card or takes a loan, new …
Breaking Relativity
Two fundamental concepts humans have defined to describe the world around them are spatial dimensions and time. These are human concepts, no other form of life on the planet utilizes them, cares about them, they are uniquely applied by humans trying to model and understand the physical world. We define the concept of spatial dimensions …
Intellectual Property
There is no such thing as ‘Intellectual Property’, it’s a politically contrived concept meant to provide legal economic privilege for some at the expense of others – as is the case with all political economic intervention. IP is the concept that physical property represents ideas and those ideas are also property and they deserve protection …
Artificial Intelligence?
The definition of intelligence is a philosophical question for which there is no one, objective answer so if we don’t really know what intelligence is, we can’t know what the concept of Artificial Intelligence is either. The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used in popular culture is a marketing slogan to sound impressive, technologically advanced …
Is Government Productive?
Some people will argue that just because the government does something, anything, that it’s being productive. But whether someone, an organization or government is productive or not depends on the value of what is done and the costs to do it. If the costs are greater than the value then it’s consumption. Productivity means taking …
The Argument of Nothing
I can create, invent, make up straight from my imagination any phenomenon I want. Since I just made it up, obviously it doesn’t exist in reality, it’s not real. And because it doesn’t really exist, its existence cannot be proven or disproven, so any argument made in terms of its existence can be made with …
Is Morality Objective?
Objectivity means the absence of subjectivity, a universal standard applied to everyone equally. Gravity is an objective physical law, jump up in the air and you will come falling back down to earth. In this context, can we say that morality is objective, is there a universal moral standard that can be identified and applied …
What’s Wrong with Public Education?
The problem with public education is that it has nothing to do with education, it’s politics. Public school systems are political institutions, administered, run and funded by bureaucrats for political expedience. Is there anyone who doesn’t understand the inherent inefficiencies, half-truths and political horse trading of politics? People you wouldn’t trust to babysit your kids …
Male-Female Wage Gap?
Depending on which ‘study’ you read, some believe that there is a systematic difference in the amount of money companies pay men and women for the same work and they claim the difference is due to sexism. Let’s distill the issue of emotion and consider it rationally, reasonably, logically and with some common sense. First …